{% load i18n %}{% autoescape off %} Hey {{full_name}}! {% blocktranslate %} A request to email verify was received from your LockTrust Bank Account - {{user_email}} Your email verification has also sent on you mobile phone ending with xxxxxxxx{{mobile}} Use this link to email verification and login. {% endblocktranslate %} {{site_url}}/activate-user/{{uid}}/{{token}} {% blocktranslate %} Note: This link is valid for 1 hour from the time it was sent to you and can be used to email verification only once. If you did not intend to deactivate your account or need our help keeping the account, please contact us at mailto:support@locktrustbank.com Not sure why you received this email? Please let us know. Thanks, The LockTrust Bank Team {% endblocktranslate %} {% endautoescape %}