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Your pending field list in the application form

Hello Sir/Madam,

We hate to bother you, but it seems we still have some MISSING Information We Understand sometimes information cannot be handy nothing to worry we are here 24 by 7 at your Services

Here is the list of information that is Missing just in case you need a To-do list

{%if CP%}

Company Profile

{%endif%} {%if COP%}

Company Ownership Profile

{%endif%} {%if BP%}

Business Profile

{%endif%} {%if SM%}

Security Measures

{%endif%} {%if SBD%}

Settlement Bank Details

{%endif%} {%if MC%}

Merchant Contact


We appreciate your Patience and cooperation on this we would get you going in no time once we have all the information

To complete the application Form Please click here

Thank you

Lock trust

On-boarding Team

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